Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Poor Babies

i was away from work for 2 DAYS! YES! it's 2 days MC and im back today...but my neighbour Joelle is not here...cos poor Megan is LS...and must make sure that all toys are cleaned regularly cos this age, they love to put everything in their case it is not cleaned properly, got bacteria...then poor bb will be sick...
Hope megan is beta heart-pain to see babies sick le :( i hate it hate it hate it!!!

At the same time, i received an email from babycenter regarding: Symptom Guide (0-12 months), do visit this website: which i tink is quite useful...

i was looking out for this: Symptom guide: Rash or skin condition

Symptom 1) Pimply rash on neck, chest, stomach, back, under arms, or near edges of diaper or clothing; tiny blisters. Especially likely if sitting in the sun or a warm room or dressed too warmly.

What it could be:
Heat rash
Hopefully it is really heat rash le... cos it looks like mossie-bites on nicky :(
it's the same red spots that buddy said that nicky looks like patrick now...


the weather is getting colder & colder and it's been raining and raining...mummies, remember to put on an extra clothing for our lil' ones...we don't want them to catch a cold...

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