This was posted earlier last wednesday.
I manage to get this lil' gift to ms Yda, cos it is her last day with nicky's class today. ~
Serving with Love ~ very appropriate! cos she is really one of those that serves with Love! :)
And I feel that this is really what we want to say ~ that the both of us, (ah dee and I) are so happy that Nicky is enjoying preschool. It's not easy to send our first child to school but seeing how much he is enjoying school, singing the songs he had learnt and speaking more, makes it a breeze.
And we know we have you to thank for that. The activities you plan, the room you decorate, the friendships you help foster-- it's all incredible, and it's helping him (and us!) believe that school is fun, which is incredibly important.
Thanks for everything! And we wish you all the best!! ;)